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Monday, May 2, 2011

New York City Initiative

The battle cry, "Experience Is Not Enough", will resonate through the city of New York in 2011. It is not a slogan nor is it some sales marketing campaign. It is simply a statement. An absolute truth.

It's meaning is clear and concise. It's target is complacency.

The biggest challenge Versatile Systems faces from client to client is complacency. "We've been doing it this way for years," they say, swashing a hand through the air, brushing aside safety. Sometimes their tone is more of a challenge, a "We don't need you or your protection because we're strong, smart, and invincible."

That's the mentality of an old dog. And from first hand experience, teaching that old dog new tricks can be extremely difficult.

In the office of VSI, we have a Complacency Board. You do not want to be on that board. That board is dedicated to the old dog's of the world, to the old dog's whose mentality relegates fall safety to a category they've entitled "Excessive, Unnecessary Precaution's of Modern America". To these Old Dog's, VSI dedicates a space for their company name on our Board, in bold capitols. Not a month goes by were we don't have to expand the pen, the dogs just keeping strolling in.

But there is hope. There is Good News in that VSI is not the only company to acknowledge this prevalent trend. NYC's Buildings Commissioner Robert LiMandri has undoubtedly seen his fair share of Old Dog's, and this year he is combating their mentality to better improve fall protection safety.

LiMandri's multilingual campaign began with an Empire State Building light show of orange and white, signaling commencement. Over the course of 2011, posters, banners and billboards, will display the creed "Experience Is Not Enough" in several different languages, including: Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Polishs, English, etc.

We tip our hats to LiMandri and wish the city of New York luck this year.

From The Safety Expert and Everybody at Versatile Systems, Inc,

Have a Safe and Great Day.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Safety Expert

To read more about LiMandri's campaign, follow this link:

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